The Question about these pedals was will they work with Mountain bike shoes and with the SH56 cleat.
These pedals are designed for Mountain bike cleats to use on a road or city bike. Many people have really nice mountain bike shoes and want a pedal with better cornering angle for their road bike than most mountain bike pedals offer. This pedal was designed for that. If you are comfortatble flipping your pedal over every time you get on your bike these could work fine as mountain bike pedals. Yes they will work with Shimano SH56 cleats or SH51. Thanks
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Check out if your bike needs 1/2" or 9/16" Pedals Here
There are now some XLC pedals that are very similar to the design of the A520. The Xlc pedals are available on Ebay and are significantly less expensive. Check out theses
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